Song: Gachibey
Movie: BAEYUL-The Hidden Paradise
Artist: Ugen Penjor, Yeshi Bidha & Kezang Dorji
Recording and mix: M-Studio
Music Video link
Mp3 link
Year: 2014
Gachibey… Gachibey… Gachibey
Gachi bey….Beygo noru beyra mitsu bey
Gachibey…Pecha taani gokab mithobey
Gachibey….La da yo zen thobra mitsu bey
Gachibey …..Nowai sakhar heyra mitsu bey
Gachibey…..Labi lolu yichey mikey bey
Gachibey…Garu choru ngara chamchi mey
Gachibey……Mitsey throla jowi zhira mey
Gachi bey…..Gachi beyru tsakha mitsibey
Verse 1-Kezang Dorji
Mi zhenmi trowa toensa lu bu ngaya jogo nomey
Khong gayra beysa thomdalu bu ngaya beygo nomey
Ro zey zasa thomdalu bu ngaya zago nomey
Dey bewda nosam tangdo zoom bu ngagi bey mitsubey
Sherig yenten ngalu mi Junor longchey ngalu mi
Garu naru choru ngalu tsaja keymi
zamling nanglu gaya mi. Nga senam mepley ten
ngey ai zamling pang ngara chamchi luesiyi
mo yasongpei jabley apa giya dakzin mi.
Kho chang thung digi ley ngen beymi tsu
nga jey mitsunimey. Nga sem shiwai nazu
buchu ngey mitsey nalu due atara
Yeshi Bidha
Ngalu yenten mi.. ngalu junor mi..
Nga lu chim ya mi.. gachiya mi
Yeshi Bidha
I…I always try to apologize.. But I…I don’t know why….
Never works out.. but I still try .. I still try
Verse 2 – Kezang Dorji
Gachi beyru tiru gomey due dari naba.
Tiru meymi ngamchung ngachey gachi beyru lakha.
Ngachey tsugi mitsey nanglu
Gamchi kawcheyru ra denda drup matsuba
Kanyel nalu lue do. Di zoom dunyel nanglu thimdo
Dampey cheyley bey wa chin di ley jumdrey eein lo
Lama kenchosum thujay zi nang
Di zoom nangdo di nga khorwa cham machu
Thapshey chi beyna Nga deysa sago mi
nga beyni layog mi Nga joni lam yang miba
khung miba deydi bu nyey ditshey zodo.
Di zoom nyim lo dang daw bay mitshey throla jodo.
Verse 3 – Ugen Penjor
All Drups want is a Patang and Kabney
After getting that, play the public like a Dramngey
Performing your Rimdros day and night
Lighting butter lamps to improve your plight
But as you chant your prayers do you spare a thought
For youth like me who don’t have a lot
A school drop-out from a broken family
Been circumambulating the labor Ministry
I can’t get no job cuz I ain’t got no jabtha
Like a flopped singer / no one’s listening to my Zhabtha (song)
My plight is grim my options grow slimmer
There’s no hope for me/ not even a glimmer
Yeshi Bidha
Ngalu yenten mi.. ngalu junor mi..
Nga lu chhim ya mi.. gachiya mi
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